Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Things are rocking at Facebook

Almost Interesting Anne's Facebook profile

If you think you are too old for this, consider what I have found out recently. Facebook is by far the coolest social media available today and millions are fleeing Myspace, 360, Multiply and what have you for the joy and benefits of being on it. I signed up for it to track my friends and relatives in the States, specially my LA family and friends. In no time I was in touch with many of them.

I also soon discovered that I can instantly access networks of professional interest to me by region, workplace or organization. That way I am linked to the jobmarket in a very personal way, never possible in sites like JobsDB and the like. Indeed you can even chat with potential bosses in countries half the globe away, I recently did, and spoke with an author in Chicago and a film producer in LA. Prior to that, I got a brief writing assignment in Palo Alto. Now that is experiencing social networking first-hand.

It is fun to put myself into the younger generation's frame of mind, to know what our kids are thinking and to touch base with them in ways not possible before the advent of the new global media. I have friends in Singapore who are half my age (see my sidebar?) and they are so fun to be with, not at all shallow and I have learned more from them than from jaded adults. It is also a way to keep in touch with my Filipino network in Singapore (friends, you have not updated). True, I also have neglected my Facebook when I started to get so busy with work but I am trying to rock it, lol.

I like the privacy aspect. Facebook puts the user in control, allowing limit specific pieces of information they want to share within their various networks. So many privacy controls indeed that it is a bit overwhelming at first.

You will be surprised who you will run into at Facebook. It is NOT designed as a dating nor a hookup site (oh, but sure you can if you want to). Its CEO and founder began the social media at Harvard and hence the rapid succession in all of Boston and the world. See this photo? A smarter, better-looking Bill Gates, I have to say. >>

I don't know about you but Facebook seems able to serve a myriad of significant purposes for a professional like me who is venturing out and embracing the world, eager to share whatever skills or competencies I have. Been setting up my social networks, and throwing a bit of fun into it isn't so bad.

MySpace is equipped with this functionality but I doubt that it is being used in the manner Facebook has used its network apps, that is, by leveraging privacy and perhaps more importantly, benefiting from targeted network listings. Items such as jobs, things for sale, etc. are posted into networks. That makes them easier to find and more relevant. Classifieds at Myspace do not work as well unless they are geographically based. No such boundaries at Facebook.

I don't know if all these will serve me in good stead for the long stretch. But for now at Facebook, I am easily able to track people I have met in conferences wherever they are in the world, former colleagues, schoolmates at UP, relatives who migrated, former bosses. This blogger is integrated with my Facebook and my posts appear there regularly. My bookmarks on delicious are there, oh what else? I am also linked and easily updated with causes I support. All these in one stop, can you imagine. If not, try it for yourself!


Anonymous said...

Hope your skills at communication are as good as they appear.
Spell Check might help the typos. :D

~The Author in Chi

restless_river said...

Opps, minus points. LOL. Eii, a bit careless right there:>. But then,perfect would be so....well, boring? Lemme get the typos straight, hah. This will not ever happen at work, promise:)

Geeky Tai-Tai said...

Restless_river, It's very nice to meet you. I wondered how it was that you found me. I'm enjoying your blog. Gong Xi Fa Cai!

restless_river said...

Hi there Geeky tai-tai...The pleasure is mine!